How Not Recycling Damages the Environment More Than You Think

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle. A catchphrase we have heard for that many years, it has now become a clique. But despite its status, it gains more importance every year. No longer is it a political movement, but an issue that has become a worldwide concern, with many leaders of the globe coming together to discuss the matter of resources diminishing and how we can combat the rise in pollution and greenhouse gases.

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End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling – What Happens to Scrapped Cars?

We deal with all kinds of scrap metal recycling here at Morecambe Metals, with one of the bulkier domestic items being End-of-Life vehicles. The days of scrapped cars sitting around and leaking toxic fluids everywhere before being crushed into cubes and thrown onto landfills are long gone. These days, up to 95% of the material in scrapped vehicles is reused, recovered, or recycled by authorised treatment facilities. Continue reading “End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling – What Happens to Scrapped Cars?”

The Positive Impact of Scrap Metal Recycling

At Morecambe Metals, we’re a family-run company with over 35 years of experience in the scrap metal industry.

We already have several scrap metal recycling techniques under our belt, including the supply to both domestic and export markets with high quality recycled materials, but we’re always seeking new ways to improve and expand as recycling and processing experts.

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